Wednesday 1 May 2013

Digital Culture- What Do I Really Think.

So the term has finished and my time studying Digital Culture has also come to an end. And so its only fair I share my true thoughts on the course and what I have learnt.
I can't speak for everybody in my class but I came into this class and these lectures having the smallest amount of digital culture knowledge, it was quite exciting to wait and see what I'd be learning. And after 24 lectures I think my knowledge has grown somewhat and my enthusiasm for the subject has grown alongside it.
I think I definitely learnt that there were certain topics I was far more interested in than others. For example when we had the guest speakers and focused on, cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking. This really interested me because it felt so real, and the facts and figures were astonishing to me. I engaged with these topics more so than others. Maybe because I use the internet mostly for things such as Twitter and Facebook and social media sites, so when we focused on digital culture in terms of those things I felt more interacted. Also, for me, these were the most interesting topics.
The most difficult for me was engaging with topics such as democracy and politics, I think I found those types of lectures slightly more difficult. Maybe because they were more intellectually stimulating, and I found it in some ways difficult to link Digital Culture to this topic.
The course as a whole was one which was really interesting for me. I especially enjoy the idea of writing a blog at the end of each workshop. Blogging is the newest form of journalism, and for me it was really good practice to get into the habit of writing a blog post weekly. It has also encouraged me to start up a blog of my own where I can post about different things, and put myself on the blogging map.
Maybe the one downside to the course that might be improved was the fact that it became repetitive. Every week we would sit and listen to the lecture and write notes on the power point, then have a workshop and write a blog. Every week was really similar, and it might have become boring for those not interested in the topics. It become easy to switch off with things I might not have understood, having said that maybe that says more about myself than the lecture itself.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the course Digital Culture, the topics were new to me which made them more interesting. And the fact that we were able to create a blog and write all our thoughts on the topic was one that will hopefully really benefit me. I have always been interested in blogging, and this course simply encouraged and helped me to pursue that.