Monday 8 October 2012

Blog Worthy?

A blog is whatever you want it to be, a way of exposing your thoughts, feelings and ideas to the world in the form of a website. A blog is able to give you a voice and show it to the rest of the web, people can choose to read what you have to say, and in some cases ignore what you have to say. But the question, what makes a good blog, is one to be heavily debated. Its hard to determine what really needs to be done when attempting to achieve a successful blog, because how can we ever be sure that people will want to read what we have to say? A good way to start is to ensure that what you write is compelling, engaging and worth reading, whilst creating consistency in order to make you readers continue to read your blog entries.Not only that but in order to make your blog better than the others it is essential that it be updated on a regular basis.By updating your blog regularly you will stand a better chance of keeping your readers engaged, by not updating regularly you run the risk of boring your audience, allowing them to stop reading your blog posts. Although it seems important to make sure blogs are updated frequently it is also important not to make them too long, research shows that the best blogs are between 400 and 1000 words, proving that the shorter and more precise your posts are the more likely they are to be read. Blogs that are unorganised, messy and have no focus or topic are the ones that fail. Making your blog have a topic and a focus and sticking to it will make it a better blog, it is essential to create a topic and a focus and then show your audience that you can deliver. The popularity of blogging has increased since it first appeared on internet platforms and it is clearly a popular and important way to connect with people, showing the influence media and the web can have on the rest of the world. Blogging is a method of showing the world what you have to say, for some it is essential and is used as their job, for others it is fun and a way of writing down whatever you want and seeing responds. Either way the point of a blog is for people to read it, therefore it is crucial that your blog be a good one, and by following some of these simple blogging techniques you could achieve it.

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