Wednesday 16 January 2013

Digitally Cultural

My blog has been purely based around Digital Culture and commentary on the ideas and technologies presented during the course of this unit. Whilst doing this it has made me realise just how important it is to think about the internet, just how much we do use it and what it is used for. Not only that but it seems important to remember where it came from, how it was made and how it has been so widely accepted in our society.
The importance of this has only hit me now, previously I was that person who used the internet an uncountable amount of times a day without actually even realising. Constantly quickly glancing at my facebook or twitter, sending a quick message or making a phonecall. Because in effect our mobile phones are actually computers in todays society.
By doing this blog it has made me appreciate the internet and computers in a new light, and has encouraged me to think about them and where they come from.
And in my opinion the way technology is growing, were not nearly finished yet.

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