Tuesday 19 February 2013

Globalisation and the Digital Divide

Globalisation as a definition is, "Globalization' is commonly used as a shorthand way of describing the spread and connectedness of production, communication and technologies across the world. http://www.infed.org/biblio/globalization.htm
This weeks lecture was all about making us think about globalisation, and how it happens on so many levels and with that to begin thinking about the digital divide.
It is important to remember that although with globalisation we get many benefits and we are able to connect all over the world, but it also brings many inequalities.
When I think about globalisation I automatically think about Mcdonalds, a company that no matter which country you go to you can almost guarantee you will find a Mcdonalds. Therefore this is a prime example of a company who have globalised successfully all over the world.http://www.aboutmcdonalds.com/country/map.html This link tells you just how Mcdonalds have taken it, it enables you to see which countries have at least one Mcdonalds branch, quite startling if you ask me.
 This diagram we were shown during the lecture really put things into perspective for me.
This diagram really made me think about Globalisation and the negatives of it. It encouraged me to remember the inequalities that come from it. Here we can see just how much people get in the chain of production, proving just how unequal things can be. The worker gets minimal, because we can get people in countries such as India and Asia to do the job at a quarter of the price it should be done at. So although it is obvious that globalisation does create connectivity all over the globe, it all creates a massive divide amongst countries.

This leads me on to the Digital Divide, and to be quite honest I'd never really considered it in any depth until today. I have always been quite content, in my household I have one main computer and as many as 3 laptops! This probably isn't unusual for most large families in England. Our access to the internet is unbelievably easy, if I want to do a bit of research i can quickly get up google and with the touch of my fingers could probably get any information I wanted. So what about the people who don't have internet or computer access, what do they do? This diagram shows the amount of computers per 100 people all over the world, I don't think I need to go into too much depth about what this shows. So when looking at Globalistation and how great it can be connecting us all together, I think it is even more important to think about how it is dividing us as well.

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