Monday 22 April 2013

The Birth Of Hacker Culture.

After researching Wikileaks and thinking about its cultural values, although I believed from a journalistic point of view that it can only bring benefits I do suppose it is fair to say that the cultural values could be questioned.
Anything that involves hacking in my eyes isn't ethically right, and in todays society unfortunately hacker culture surrounds much of the journalism and online world. So, Wikileaks is a form of Hacking and this does make it unethical, it promotes the idea that hacking is okay and this is where scandals such as phone hacking starts.
Phone Hacking has been made huge in the past few years because of journalists being so desperate for stories that the result to phone hacking. Because it is seen to be so easy to do online people are beginning to take it a step further by hacking phones, intercepting personal calls and text messages. Wikileaks is a prime example of a site to promote this, the people behind Wikileaks hack into government documents to leak stories, and if you can hack into government documents surely you can hack into anything?
I decided to look further into the ethics of Hacking and what it really is about, to do this I looked at Steven Levy who wrote a book on the birth of hacker culture.  and gave me a lot of further information into the background of Hacking. These pages gave me a lot of information about what hackers believe in. To them it is a free world, all information should be free, nothing should be hidden from us. So maybe they aren't breaking any rules or doing anything wrong at all? They simply feel that nothing should be hidden from us.
"Access to computers—and anything which might teach you something about the way the world works—should be unlimited and total." Maybe there are certain cases in which information should be public, and maybe Hackers aren't ethically immoral. They are simply trying to make the internet and computers a free space, everything should be there to see because computers and there information can teach us a lot.
So maybe my views on certain 'Hackers' has changed. Although I still stand by my original views on the idea of Phone Hacking. Phone Hacking is far more personal and is one on one, certainly for journalistic prosperity, phone hacking should be a huge no no!

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