Monday 5 November 2012

Google Glasses- One step too far.

Google Glasses are the latest crazed invention which are attempting to take computing to the next level, whether they are ridiculous or genius is yet to be decided. Splitting the tech world into frenzy as to whether or not these strange glasses are a good idea, or whether they are simply taking technology one step too far. The concept of the glasses is Googles attempt to create a computer which you wear all the time, by tilting your head in deifferent directions you will have full control of the glasses and what you see.!

This link is to a video which better explains the general idea of the glasses, and how they will work whilst your wearing them. The glasses seem to be like a wearable smart phone, they allow you to take pictures, send messages along side many other fucntions. However, it seems to me that these glasses with 'augmented reality' are showing us just how addicted to technology our society has become. It isn't enough that we can get out our smart phone and take a photo or make a phone call, society is becoming so lazy because of the increased need to create a better technology than the one gone before. Google Glasses represent societys need for something better, but for me this isn't a good thing, it is simply taking us further away from reality and making us more dependant on technology. Will it ever stop?

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