Monday 12 November 2012

History and our internet dependancy.

The Internet is an invention which astounds me more than anything else. A concept which can link the world together with a click of the mouse. A concept which holds and shows millions of different websites, images, blogs and videos for people all over the world to use. The Internet seems to be a forever evolving concept, getting bigger and bigger everytime it is used. But how did it really come about? We use it now for social media, to keep in contact with friends, to advertise and to buy, but what was the orignal purpose?

This video shows how the internet has been transformed over the last 40 years (and progressed even further since then) and how it first began. The war, in my opinion, seems to be the starting point behind the internet being born, the US military wanted to learn how to control weapons and by beginning to create a computer, this allowed that to happen, which in turn allowed progress for the internet to be made. This youtube clip clearly highlights key points in the History of the internet. It clearly shows that as the internet has developed we have developed our needs to it, we are now dependant on the internet. If the internet was taken away from us would we be able to survive? It seems in todays culture and society the internet is like our food and water, we are depenadant upon it. It is obviously important to recognise the history of the internet, how it started and what it was orignially used for because then we can truly realise how it has affected our relationship with technology today. By looking at the history we are all able to see how the internet has changed from a military weapon and government use to a worldwide social media platform. It is now used on a daily basis by billions of people making it a necessity within our lives. I came across this blog which sums up our dependancy on the internet, it shows a useful example of how many time we actually come into contact with the itnernet, sometimes without even realising! Will the wonders of the internet cease to grow bigger and bigger and ever became less of a necessity within our lives? Who knows.

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