Monday 26 November 2012

Humans vs Robots

The idea that robots could take over our jobs, our world and us is a scary one. How can we expect a piece of machinery to fullfil the roles that we play? In my eyes this seems ridiculous and something that we would never buy into...except we are. To me it seems we are putting so much money, effort and time into creating robots purley out of curiosity, how far can we really take it and how human like can we really make these machines?
This link shows what we seem to be expecting of these robots and it begins to give an explanation of what they might do and why we might want them... seems to me that humans lazyness is to blame for this fascination.
To me a robot is simply a servant or a slave, a way to get something else to complete the jobs that we do not want to do, a "Reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator." Behind every great idea there is always the potential of a threat, by creating these robots surley we are preparing ourselves for the possibility of creating a creature far more intelligent than us, and in my opinion this poses a huge threat to our world and us.
David Hanson is a prime example of a man who seems somewhat obssessed with the idea of Robots being as intelligent and capable as humans. He said, "I see an amazing future relationship between Humans and Robots. We’re going to make our robots more like animals and people. We’re going to give them advanced cognitive capabilities. We see so many technology trends moving in this direction – from machine perception, which allows us to understand speech and see faces and see gestures. We’ve seen great strides forward. We’re really in the infancy of these kinds of machine intelligence technologies." This comes from and interview by EarthSky, to see the full interview look at This shows just how amitious some people are in wanting to create humanoid robots, but what is really the point? The world is massivley over populated as it is, so what real benefits will robots bring to us? Robots should remain doing the jobs that humans are unable to do and we shouldnt be attamepting to make them more intelligent than ourselves.
Robots in effect are simply computers that we are attempting to make more human like, but they surley will never really be like us. They will never have the capability to feel or show true emotion like we can, so how will they ever be one of us? We can make them look and sound as human like as possible, but they will never truly be human, and therefore it seems our curiosity to create these things is spiralling out of control and we should save the money and time we are wasting. But thats just my opinion, on the other hand Rodney Brookes, chairman and chief technical officer for Rethink Robotics, would say that "within 10 years we're going to see humanoid Robots," it seems we had better watch out.

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