Wednesday 28 November 2012

Our Digital Voice

It's easy enough to think about the digital body and the digital mind, but what about the communication. By looking at the digital voice it can then help us look into how the web works today, looking into topics such as cyberstalking, identity and our own internet representation.
The digital voice and communication is not a new idea, and when researching it you realise that communication and the ability to transmit messages occured long before digital culture begun. I looked at the book "When Old technology was new," by Carolyn Marvin to help me understand these ideas. Communication was previously transmitted by runners, riders, beacons and eventually by telegraph.
Before long the printing press was invented, which gave society the ability to print books and newspapers, this helped move messages forward it was a progression for the digital voice. Shortly after in the mid 19th Century society underwent the Industrail Revolution. Revealing the birth of the steam train, this along with the printing press meant the birth of journalism.
So when digital culture began to take form, the ideas were not new ones, it was not unique because the ability to transmit messages exsisted long before this. The progression is unbelievable, from telegraphs to emails digital culture has progressed the ability to transmit messages uncontrolably.

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