Monday, 3 December 2012

The Machine is using us... This video brings up important and thought provoking points about the internet and Web 2.0. I'll be honest, before i begun looking in depth into the world wide web and the internet, it was just a piece of technology and software that was there for me to use, i used it every single day, possibly every hour, but i never really thought about how it worked or what i was actually doing on it. Kevin kelly believes that we are the ones teaching the Web, he believes we live inside Web 2.0. By saying this he means we are writing the software for the internet, everytime we tag a photo or search for something we are teaching the web what to do. Our questions programme the machine to answer the questions. Therefore Kevin Kellys theory that the machine is using us seems to be a sensible one, we are giving the answers to the machine.
The Web is an unusual yet wonderful thing, a thing that people dismissed when it first came about, nobody visualised that it would become as big as it is or that we would use it religiously, as we do. Since then the Web has changed and progressed massivley to socities needs, which is why today we now have Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is all about connecting people, whereas Web 1.0 was about connecting computers and technology. Todays society uses Web 2.0 for social needs, for social sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Gradually we have transformed the web to fullfill our needs and change what the web is there for. Although there seems to be dangers that surround web 2.0 we are using it more frequently than ever. Issues of ubiquity, privacy, property and politics all seem to an issue Web 2.l0 faces. In terms of privacy we seem to post our lives on sites such as Twitter and Facebook, but how do we actually know that what we are posting on there is private? Maybe this is a debate for a future post...

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