Wednesday 9 January 2013

Cyberspace is a dangerous game...

It is without argument that the internet brings a huge amount of benefits, but it is easy to forget how dangerous it can be as well. The impact of Cyberstalking is massive and alot of people dont take the time or think it is necessary to protect themselves properly.
This video shows just how dangerous cyberspace can be, and shows that everytime we post even a little information about ourselves we are putting ourselves at risk.
During a recent lecture we were lucky enough to be spoke to about recent research that has been taken about cyberstalking. Cyberstalking is generally considered to be harassment that originates online, it isn't a new problem, it is an old problem through new media.
There are many different types of attack, some considered less sevre than others, they can range from posting fake profiles, direct threats, identity theft and even contsructing websites targetting the victim. During the lecture we were told some astonshing facts about cyberstalking and the effects it can have. 54% of victims met their attacker offline, 58% of people experienced three or more modes of cyberstalking and that 68% of all victims were female.
Along with the facts it seems we get myths as well. The greatest myth that is associated with cyberstalking is that it doesn't really do any damage. Back this up with the fact that 72% of women murdered by their attacker were stalked by them in the 12 months before the murder, I think we should re-evaluate that myth. Clearly cyberstalking can do far more damage than we might think.
The lecture itself taught me alot about just how extreme cyberstalking can get, and that in reality it happens to far more people than we might think. It is true that this new digital culture we are being brought up in has alot of benefits, but it is clearly important to remember the negatives of it. The internet and cyberspace can be a very dangerous place and we shouldn't be naive enough to think that just because we are behind a computer screen we can't be harmed.

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