Tuesday 8 January 2013

Our Internet Identity.

For many the internet allows you to create a whole new identity, to present yourself as something totally different to what you are actually like. This can become a dangerous tool.
Identity is rooted in many things, its rooted in our families, our communties, our gender, class, political ideas, beliefs and even rooted in out commen interests, but cyberspace can help us to change this and allow us to maintain a completley false identity. Do we change our identity according to the website we use? For example my age group grew up using sites like 'Bebo' and 'Myspace' and then eventually we grew out of those and moved onto the likes of 'Facebook' and 'Twitter,' or at least that was the case for myself.
In my research for this particular blog I looked into my "Self-presentation", how I have presented myself to others through the use of social media. With the tools on facebook I have been able to annalyse my usage on the site. It was obvious my usage on the website has decreased alot, or so i might think. Although I no longer regularly post photos and status' I am still using Facebook to browse just as much. Now Facebook is easily available on my phone, I can click on the app a hundred times a day to look without even realising. It is also clear that as I have grown up I have started to 'unlike' things I once was interested in, possibly to save the embarrassment of my former self. Therfore as the years go past I constantly adapt my Facebook to present myself how I would want people to view me.
Social sites such as Facebook and Twitter are an outlet for personal expression and therefore your idnetity is determined by your Twitter and Facebook pages, but that isnt your real identity? It is simply a form of self-presentation, in effect your telling people how to view you and what to think of you.

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