Thursday, 20 December 2012

Together we can!

In one of my previous blogs, "Stop ignoring the important stuff" I spoke about our ability to sign up to things without actually reading the terms and conditions. I was trying to prove how stupid a thing to do that is, we wouldnt buy a car or a house without reading the terms and conditions would we? So why do we sign up to all these online websites like Facebook and Twitter without actually knowing what we are signing up to? When writing that blog I actually ended up frightening myself, how could I be so stupid to sign away rights to my photos status' and everything about my life without even realising it? I dont know, but we all seem happy enough to do it.
Well what if I suggested starting a campaign, a campaign in which we created new polocies, polocies that suited us and not them. Together we can make a start to changing the way in which these internet sites work! Sure we all want to use Facebook and Twitter by should we use them at the expense of our safety and at the expense of things that we should own?
If reading that doesn't worry you, Im not sure what will! It is clear to me that changes need to be made, but where and when will they start?
Polocies for social websites should amost certainly be changed. When signing up we shouldnt have to sign our rights away, and in my opinion the way to make this change is to campaign. If the awareness for what we have actually agreed to becomes greater then the ability to want to change these polocies should increase. Although we are partially to blame for accepting these polocies, they are also very good at tricking us, and its time we put a stop to it and campaign against giving away our rights.

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