Monday 8 April 2013

Do we trust the media?

My last blog post was all about politics and the media. I seemed to find myself on the topic of the media and how it has evolved through the age of print, and now we are here. In a place where journalism has become so drastic that journalist are hacking in order to get stories. I felt this topic deserved it's own blog, as who knows how long I could go on for.
Hacking, in my eyes, has always been related to computers. Hacking into someone's Facebook or Twitter account, or hacking a computer in general. But I think nowadays it is important to remember that although hacking may have derived through computers, for example see my Wikileaks post, Hacking has actually become much more than that. All you have to do is look at this BBC news page to see just how far hacking has been taken. It seems journalists have been hacking into phones in order to get a story. So how can we really blame the public for questioning the media?
Have we abused the media power? I think it is easy to underestimate the media and just how much the media affects us every day. Whether It be reading a magazine, newspaper or watching the news it seems we are consumed by the media. So how can we be so into it without trusting it?
I think the last lecture on politics and the dream if democracy really got me onto the topic of hacking and media trust. I think its obvious changes need to be made drastically to the media, in order to win back any kind of trust from the public.

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